2008, Imbisbühlstrasse, Zurich, 1st prize

3207 1aerni
IMB Ortho

In the depths of space. 30 meters are enough. Apartment house Imbisbühlstrasse, Zurich 2007–2008

The design mediates between the different building patterns of the neighbourhood. The strikingly deep floor plans allow a high utilisation of the property. The generous living room turms into the main attraction of every apartment – along with the spacious,  south-facing balconies. 

IMB Schnitte v2
In the depths of space. Imbisbühlstrasse apartment house, Zurich 2007–2008. Sections.

Thanks to the clear division of day and night areas and the reasonable allocation of bathrooms, kitchens and secondary rooms, the apartments correspond to today's structure of society. The spacious family apartments allow the middle class to remain in the city or even to move into town (again).

IMB Grundriss 1OG v2
In the depths of space. Imbisbühlstrasse apartment house, Zurich 2007–2008. Upper floor, 1st floor plan.
IMB Whg1 300 75
Wohnen auf 30 Metern Länge mit sehr grossen gemeinsamen Bereichen.
IMB Whg2 300 75
Hell dank 3 Meter Raumhöhe. Kochen und Essen zentral in der Mitte. 132 Quadratmeter Wohnfläche.
IMB Whg3 300 75
Küche und Aussenraum bilden eine Einheit. Grosse Nebenräume.
IMB Whg4 300 75 v2
Maximal grosszügiger Wohnraum. 127 Quadratmeter Wohnfläche.
3169 1aerni
3207 3aerni
Grundriss1EG 500 75
Grundriss Eingangsgeschoss mit Einstellhalle.

Imbisbühlstrasse 106–114, 8049 Zurich, Switzerland

Project competition by invitation 2003, planning application 2004/2006, execution 2007–2008

Ownership/ builder
Swiss Re Company Ltd., Zurich

Room program
52 apartments

Patrick Gmür, Jakob Steib

Project team
Sybille Besson, Susan Held, Sven Fricker, Sonja Grigo, Sonja Strickmann
