1992, Weizacker, Winterthur

Weizacker 03x
Weizacker Ortho

Weizacker residential building, Winterthur 1990–1992

In the surroundings of a typical peripheral district of Winterthur, the residential row nestles against the slope. The rhythmic stepping down of the units and the recessed dark-coloured attic give the new building a different scale compared to the surrounding residential buildings, which from a distance lends it a certain abstraction.


Innen 1x
01 Weizacker Winterthur Schnitt 300

The symbolic treatment of the circulation in the form of a lift tower, an open external staircase and an arcade, as well as the roof line and the special design at the foot of the slope, create a sense of identity and bind the serially arranged, stepped elements together into an overall form.

This creates the appearance of an apartment block, while at the same time the building emphasises the balance between a terraced house type and a multi-unit apartment building. The clear north-south orientation of the apartments has a dynamic relationship with the building, which steps down from east to west.

01 Weizacker Winterthur GR EG 300
Ground floor plan
01 Weizacker Winterthur GR 1OG 300
1st floor plan
01 Weizacker Winterthur GR 2OG 300
2nd floor plan
01 Weizacker Winterthur GR DG 300
Upper floor plan attic level
Weizacker 04x
Weizacker 05x

25 Weizackerstrasse, Winterthur

Planning and execution 1990–1992


Project team
W. and K. Steib, Jakob Steib

Weizacker9x v2