Michael Geschwentner (*1971) studied architecture at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland, with Arthur Rüegg, Adrian Meyer and Peter Märkli, among others. Internships with Burkhalter & Sumi Architects, Zurich, and Leslie Gill Architect, New York, USA.
From 1998–2006 he worked as an architect at Lüscher & Gmür Architects and Patrick Gmür Architects in Zurich. In 2001 he received a travel study scholarship from the Ernst Schindler Foundation on the functionalism of the 1960s in France and England.
2006–2009 partner in the office of Patrick Gmür architects, Zurich, Switzerland. 2009–2016 owner of Gmür & Geschwentner architects, and – together with Jakob Steib architects, Zurich –, co-owner of Steib & Geschwentner architects, Zurich. Since 2016 also co-owner of Gmür & Geschwentner architects + urban planners plc., Zurich. In addition various jury activities.
Together with Jakob Steib, Patrick Gmür and Matthias Kyburz, he founded Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz partners plc., Zurich, Switzerland, on 1 January 2020.