2025, Scheuchzerstrasse, Zurich

210902 SteibGeschwendtner Scheuchzerstrasse   interior montage
Ortho Scheuchzer202

Residential apartments Scheuchzerstrasse, Zurich

"Unadapted adapted" is what the new replacement building on Scheuchzerstrasse stands for. The first four storeys form the compact main volume. With the differently projecting balconies at the corners of the building and the asymmetrical window arrangement, the façades appear lively and varied despite the repetitive stacking of the storeys.



17 apartments have been planned: two 2.5 and two 3.5-room flats per floor. Though the apartments are compact, they have everything you would want in a contemporary city apartment. Living and dining function diagonally around the corner balcony, while the kitchen is located in the centre and functions as a link.

Two generous 3.5-room flats are accommodated in the roof. These benefit spatially from the entire roof height and also have a gallery.



210714 SCHE Dachwohnung
IMG 0802

The shape of the roof is based on the gable and hipped roofs of the surrounding area and at the same time reinterprets them. The roof is designed to appear as light and floating as possible. This is achieved by recessing the load-bearing façade, thereby creating an outdoor space under the cantilevered roof that can be used as a walkway all around. Or to use an analogy: An inner and an outer tent is translated into architecture here.


Grundriss Regelgeschoss
Standard floor plan
Grundriss Dachgeschoss
Attic floor plan
IMG 8865
Langsschnitt v2
Long section
Querschnitt v3
Cross section
211021 SCHE Modell Situation
210902 SteibGeschwendtner Scheuchzerstrasse montage

Residential Building, Scheuchzerstrasse, Zurich

202 Scheuchzerstrasse, 8057 Zurich

Commission type
Direct commission, Planning 2021–2023, realisation 2023–2025

Alessandro Bonomo, Russikon

17 apartments

Jakob Steib, Patrick Gmür, Michael Geschwentner, Matthias Kyburz

Project team
Luna Theer, Emil Schaad, Nicole Bucher, Anna Caviezel

36O36Ø / Onur Özman