1999, Hinterbergstrasse, Zurich

A special apartment on Hinterbergstrasse, Zurich, Switzerland.
Enfilade. Uninterrupted inner circulation.
A large roof terrace with lake view – however, on the plan, a conventional apartment layout. In 1998, Regula Lüscher and I bought this property off-plan. We reflected and implemented our own ideas in the apartment floor plan (layout) and in the interior design: The result is an apartment with a sequence of different chambers. All rooms are connected by large elm wood veneered sliding doors.
A colourfully painted enfilade illuminated by skylights lines up the wardrobe, bathroom and storeroom. Sliding doors connect the serving rooms with the adjoining rooms. Even the kitchen serves as an access corridor. This creates a wide variety of circulation options. A continuous wooden bookshelf supports the overriding architectural idea of connecting all rooms. By closing more or less doors in this enfilade, the apartment can be transformed from a one-room loft into a five-room flat in no time at all.
2 Hinterbergstrasse, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland
Planning and execution
Attic level: apartment floor plan/interior design
Patrick Gmür, Regula Lüscher